Posts in General Health
A Holistic Protocol to Tackle Yeast and Candida

If you suspect Candida overgrowth, the best place to begin with is your diet. Focusing on a nutrient-dense whole food plan, like a paleo-style diet, will be the most beneficial to you. Candida bugs feed off sugars and thrive in an environment with foods that convert into sugars like carbohydrates, grains, fruits and fructose, alcohols, and other yeasts like baker’s yeast. Even whole foods that would normally be considered healthy and a great addition to any diet can feed a candida overgrowth, adding to the candida getting out of control.

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A Guide to Healthy Postpartum Weightloss

This is a struggle for so many mothers, “I’ve gained so much weight and I can’t get it off. How many of you have experienced this and you begin the weight loss downward spiral? You start on one diet and you lose a pound or two and then jump to the next diet when the first one doesn’t seem to work out so well. This merry-go-round continues for months and months and then you only end up gaining back the weight you lost in the first place. I want you to focus on a few things that will help you to understand that this is a process, and weight loss as a whole is not an easy road.

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My Journey Through Healing My Gut: Why You Should Test, Not Guess

I want to encourage those with gut health concerns to "test, don't guess" and identify exactly what is present in each individual's GI tract before determining treatment. I tried countless remedies over the years, like special diets, herbs, supplements, and essential oils, to help my symptoms, with minimal improvement. It wasn't until I learned exactly what was going on that I could take the proper steps to heal.

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Keep Your Home Toxic Free With These 3 Natural DIY Holiday Scents

One of the best things about the holidays are the smells! Pine, warm vanilla, caramel latte, frosted eggnog – you can’t help but smile when these scents fill the air. These heavenly aromas often come from plug-ins or candles that might not be as therapeutic for us as we think. Most candles actually contain toxins that fill your room with chemicals! Candle emissions have actually been compared to diesel fumes and secondhand cigarette smoke! Most cheap candles have lead, paraffin, and fragrance in them that aggravate our respiratory systems and cause a whole host of health concerns.

Fortunately, there are still numerous ways to make your home smell great, without the side effects.

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What Chronic Stress Is Actually Doing To Your Body & How To Stop It

We have all been told stress is a killer, but how many of us take this statement literally or relate it back to ourselves. I think many of us live with so much stress on a daily basis that we just assume we are immune to its effects. Unfortunately, until we are actually brought face to face with a life-threatening situation and/or condition we don’t tend to take this statement very seriously. In the hope that something will actually speak to you and help you avoid future issues, lets take a look at some of the effects stress does have on the body.

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What Your Headache is Trying to Tell You

Headaches can be caused by many different things. In very rare instances, they can be a sign of something serious going on such as a brain tumor. However, in the majority of cases, headaches are merely a symptom to let us know that something is out of balance in the body and many of these imbalances can be traced back to dehydration. In this article we will take a look at some of the conditions which can trigger a headache, what we can do to alleviate the problem and we will see how many of them tie back to dehydration.

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Food As Medicine

We’ve all heard the saying “you are what you eat”, right? But how deep have you actually thought about it? We tend to think of it on the more superficial level such as, you eat fatty food, you’ll get fat, or you eat greasy food you’ll have greasy skin or hair, you eat lots of protein, you gain lots of muscle. However, I want to invite you to truly embrace the phrase and look at it almost as if through a microscope, so to say.

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Unmasking COVID-19

A few weeks ago, I was speaking to someone much older than me. I was talking about COVID-19 and how crazy the world has become. Trying to be positive, I said, “the world seems crazy right now, but I am sure you have seen times like these within your life.” Without even letting me finish, she cut me off and said, “I have never seen anything like this. It seems like the world has completely lost its mind.”

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Daily Super Greens VS Sustain

We just launched our newest product, Sustain, and have been getting a lot of questions regarding how they differ from our Super Greens!

Sustain™ is what you reach for instead of something unhealthy to curb cravings.* Sustain™ helps you feel great and supports you on your health and weight loss journey.*¹ It is designed to make a difference right away. The Daily Super Greens can also help you feel better right away, but are designed to help you get more micronutrition if you are not eating 10 or more servings of fruits and vegetables (which most of us are not). Daily Super Greens help to fill in the nutritional gaps and give your body the nutritional building blocks to support a healthy immune system and detox response.* Daily Super Greens also have probiotics and enzymes to improve your digestion and gut health, and help you get a little healthier every day.*

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The Story of Sustain

A year and a half ago I spoke to Perry, head of our research and development department, about the possibility of creating Sustain. Perry has been part of our team for 3 years and has led the effort to reformulate the Daily Super Greens and other products. Perry is one-part chef and one-part nutritionist; he loves to make healthy things taste delicious.

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6 Refreshing Recipes to Cool Down this Summer

My family and I just made a cross-country move from the east coast to Arizona. Needless to say, it is hot this summer! My typical game plan for staying cool during the summer entailed staying in, keeping myself hydrated, eating ice, and fanning myself profusely. This summer I wanted to use natural remedies consistently to beat the heat. We will cover a few simple ideas in this article that you can use for years to come.

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You Shouldn’t Feel Judged For Living Out Your Healthy Lifestyle 

The journey into motherhood is a huge adjustment for many of us. You enter this new world without a manual to guide you through the steps, but the beauty of motherhood is that you find your way. Your motherhood journey is not always pretty and it doesn’t look like your neighbor's experience, but it shouldn’t because every mother, including you, is unique.

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Adopting Healthy Habits During the Developmental Years

During the years that our childrens’ minds and bodies are developing – it is crucial to teach them healthy habits of living like nutrition and exercise. A child’s brain is not fully mature until about the age of 25 years, so from the moment of conception until the age of twenty-five the brain is growing, developing and maturing. Their physical body is also going through the same transformation. Without the building blocks it needs and/or a healthy, safe environment to grow in – none of these developments will be able to reach and achieve their full potential.

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How To Love Yourself & Your Body 

Growing up, I continually found myself having a negative view of myself and I was stuck in a web of negative self talk. As an adult I have finally been able to be released from some of that through finding methods that encouraged me to view myself in a positive light and it led to confidence within. As humans that are in a community, we are prone to experience self doubt and we may even deal with body image issues. Whether you are a teen, pregnant, a new mom, or single, these are things that can cross our minds and take control of our actions.

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