Posts tagged Women's Health
10 Unusual Uses for Breastmilk

Breastmilk, simply put, is amazing. Its uses are nearly endless. A medical journal mentioned breastmilk has been linked to killing at least 40 different types of cancer cells! For many moms, breastmilk has replaced a few medicine cabinet items such as Neosporin or medicated lotions/soaps for baby acne. Here are 10 uses below and if you’ve used breastmilk in your home, please share with us in the comment section.

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10 Ways to Combat Pregnancy Nausea

During my recent pregnancy, I was blessed to only experience nausea three times. It was not a good feeling. This was particularly the case when accompanied by cold sweats, dizziness, and a strong feeling of both hunger and not wanting any food at all. It was quite the experience because I wanted to eat as little as possible; however, I wanted to make sure I was eating enough to support my growing fetus. I didn’t want to use typical over-the-counter medicine so I used tactics such as taking deep breaths, acupressure, placing a cold compress on my forehead and neck, and eating dry foods like corn muffins or crackers. In this article, we will cover natural and herbal remedies for nausea during pregnancy.

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Red Raspberry Leaf: A Woman’s Best Friend

Red raspberry bushes were said to have been discovered and much loved by the Olympian gods on Mount Ida in northwest Turkey, where the botanical name Rubus idaeus is said to have come from. It means ‘bramble (branch) bush of Ida’ in Latin. According to Societe’s Materia Medica blog, “In the story of Ida, the nursemaid to the infant Zeus, she pricked her finger while picking the snow-white berries, staining them red for all eternity.” (Societe, 2018)

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Pregnant with PCOS

I never knew how much I wanted to be pregnant until I was told that there was a chance it might never happen. A few weeks before my wedding, I was 22 and getting some routine bloodwork done at the gynecologist. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and told there was a 30-40% chance I would have children naturally. How was I going to tell my husband to be this? How would this affect our marriage? The doctor had said if we were going to have kids, that we needed to start trying right away because the chances would decrease even more after I turned thirty.

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Baby Blues or Something More?

The baby blues, feeling sad and a little overwhelmed after having a baby is a real thing that most moms experience. Even more than that, the baby blues, also known as postpartum depression, are a much bigger problem than most mamas care to admit. Thousands of women are silently suffering from postpartum depression and don't recognize the symptoms or are too scared or embarrassed to speak up.

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Natural Family Planning: How To Chart Your Cycle 

Charting Your Cycle can be helpful in both preventing pregnancy and getting pregnant. There are many different types of birth control and multiple herbs, oils and substances which have been used to help prevent unwanted pregnancies all throughout time. However, if you want to postpone getting pregnant naturally, the best way to accomplish this is to understand how your body works and learn to recognize the signs, so that at any given time, you will know where you are in your cycle and what your body is doing. With this knowledge, you can either avoid your fertile time or you can use it to become pregnant when you are ready to have another child.

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How To Love Yourself & Your Body 

Growing up, I continually found myself having a negative view of myself and I was stuck in a web of negative self talk. As an adult I have finally been able to be released from some of that through finding methods that encouraged me to view myself in a positive light and it led to confidence within. As humans that are in a community, we are prone to experience self doubt and we may even deal with body image issues. Whether you are a teen, pregnant, a new mom, or single, these are things that can cross our minds and take control of our actions.

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How to Empower Mothers to Take Control of their Care

I really struggled with writing this. It all seems really easy, just tell someone that they should do something. “Hey woman, be empowered” but life rarely works that way. Years of paternalism (a system where the person who has the authority makes the decisions for another person because the authority figure knows what is best) has given women the false idea that the provider (doctor or midwife) knows entirely what is best for her body. How is it that a woman’s body knows exactly how to grow a whole person, but all the details and the birth should be given to the provider to “handle”? Now, I am not saying that providers are not needed. Certainly nature has flaws and providers can guide the woman and help prevent complications, but the key here is guide.

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How to Prepare for Postpartum

Women are amazing! Our bodies grow tiny humans, birth them, and recover while caring for our families. However, pregnancy and delivery can take its toll and can lead to a longer and harder recovery. Preparation for the postpartum period does not get the attention it deserves! Women often have ample advice to have better pregnancies and births, but are left wondering what to do to make things better in the wake of all that hard work. I have compiled some helpful hints to prep your body both before and immediately after birth to lead to a better recovery and a happier postpartum mama.

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