Posts tagged home remedies
10 Unusual Uses for Breastmilk

Breastmilk, simply put, is amazing. Its uses are nearly endless. A medical journal mentioned breastmilk has been linked to killing at least 40 different types of cancer cells! For many moms, breastmilk has replaced a few medicine cabinet items such as Neosporin or medicated lotions/soaps for baby acne. Here are 10 uses below and if you’ve used breastmilk in your home, please share with us in the comment section.

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Natural Pest Control (3 Things You Can Do To Keep The Bugs Away)

Spring brings warmer weather, blooming gardens, and sometimes pesky unwanted visitors. Who doesn’t like having their fruits and veggies readily available for family members to snack on after a long day? This becomes hard to do when we start finding fruit flies and other bugs on our food. Not wanting to use harsh chemicals and poisons? Here are some natural pest control remedies that we’ve found to be helpful in our home.

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