Posts tagged natural remedies
10 Ways to Combat Pregnancy Nausea

During my recent pregnancy, I was blessed to only experience nausea three times. It was not a good feeling. This was particularly the case when accompanied by cold sweats, dizziness, and a strong feeling of both hunger and not wanting any food at all. It was quite the experience because I wanted to eat as little as possible; however, I wanted to make sure I was eating enough to support my growing fetus. I didn’t want to use typical over-the-counter medicine so I used tactics such as taking deep breaths, acupressure, placing a cold compress on my forehead and neck, and eating dry foods like corn muffins or crackers. In this article, we will cover natural and herbal remedies for nausea during pregnancy.

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Natural Pest Control (3 Things You Can Do To Keep The Bugs Away)

Spring brings warmer weather, blooming gardens, and sometimes pesky unwanted visitors. Who doesn’t like having their fruits and veggies readily available for family members to snack on after a long day? This becomes hard to do when we start finding fruit flies and other bugs on our food. Not wanting to use harsh chemicals and poisons? Here are some natural pest control remedies that we’ve found to be helpful in our home.

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Natural Relief for Teething

Around three months of age, most babies will begin drooling. People incorrectly assume at this point that it's a sign that babies are beginning the teething process. There isn’t much you can do about excess drooling, but you will want to keep a bib or something under their chin to help keep the front of their clothes from becoming wet. If the area under their neck and chin, or their chest becomes wet and stays wet, they may develop a rash.

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