Posts tagged baby health
Natural Relief for Teething

Around three months of age, most babies will begin drooling. People incorrectly assume at this point that it's a sign that babies are beginning the teething process. There isn’t much you can do about excess drooling, but you will want to keep a bib or something under their chin to help keep the front of their clothes from becoming wet. If the area under their neck and chin, or their chest becomes wet and stays wet, they may develop a rash.

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Understanding Food Allergies in Babies & Children

Healing a leaky gut and/or food allergies is not going to happen overnight, so be patient and remember that the body is a miraculous thing which is always trying to maintain homeostasis (balance). As soon as it has the tools it needs, it will do everything in its power to heal and mend. In as little as 7 to 10 days, there can be major changes taking place in the microbiome.

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