10 Unusual Uses for Breastmilk

Breastmilk, simply put, is amazing. Its uses are nearly endless. A medical journal mentioned breastmilk has been linked to killing at least 40 different types of cancer cells! For many moms, breastmilk has replaced a few medicine cabinet items such as Neosporin or medicated lotions/soaps for baby acne. Here are 10 uses below and if you’ve used breastmilk in your home, please share with us in the comment section.

1. Breast Milk Body Butter (The Herbal Healing Mama Recipe)


  • 3 oz of breastmilk

  • 3 oz of pure grapeseed oil

  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax or carnauba wax (vegan alternative)

  • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil

To Make:

You can microwave the beeswax to melt it but I usually recommend using an old pan, melting pot, or double boiler. Melt the beeswax with the grapeseed oil, then pour the breast milk in once it was melted. Whisk and then add in the vitamin E last.

Keep Refrigerated (it is milk after all). If the consistency changes or you suspect your mix has gone rancid, dispose of it right away, and whip up a fresh batch. I never make things in large batches so it stays fresh. I would only make how much you think you’ll use within the month and remake as needed with a batch keeping up to three months. It’s such a fast and easy recipe. 

2. Sleep Aid for Infants and Moms

Breastfeeding releases sleep-inducing hormones in both the mom and baby to encourage a good night’s sleep.

3. Pink Eye Relief

Putting a few drops in the little one’s eye has proven to get rid of pink eye within 1-2 days. 

4. Chicken Pox/Shingles

Breastmilk helps fortify the body with what it needs to both dry out pox and promote healing, lessen itching, and avoid scarring as well.

5. Possible Birth Control

Through lactational amenorrhea, exclusively nursing may prevent ovulation which in turn may prevent pregnancy while your child is six months old or younger. Though this isn’t a foolproof plan, it’s pretty interesting!

6. Fights Baby Blues

Connecting with your baby along with the oxytocin released while nursing can help moms feel calm, in tune with their baby’s needs, and get adequate rest to better care for their family.

7. Cradle Cap

Breastmilk helps to lessen the scales on the top of the baby’s head, as well as promote healthy skin and hair beneath the scales. Thus, when the scales fall off, the child has a healthy scalp underneath.

8. Skin/Eczema Relief 

Breast milk reduces the irritation and itchiness of eczema. It also helps skin regenerate as well as remain hydrated. It’s helpful for cuts and scrapes particularly if your little one scratches their face etc.

9. Colostrum (Power-Packed Cough Syrup)

Colostrum carries a large number of immune cells and antibodies to help protect the infant against disease. A newborn has a very immature immune system!

10. Cure Ear Infections

Breastmilk helps to soothe the pain of ear infections. It also attacks bacterial infections, such as swimmer’s ear, in the outer ear canal.