Posts tagged Motherhood
How to Get Out of Mom Guilt

Mom guilt is a very real thing. I feel as though it's something that mothers can experience even before giving birth. Things like worrying about how they want to raise a child, worrying about going back to work, trying to find a balance between relationships and parenting, and so much more are difficult things for anyone to face and handle appropriately. But the best way to defeat mom guilt is to face it and become a solution seeker. The more we meditate on our shortcomings, the less time we are actually dedicating toward fixing them.

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How to Empower Mothers to Take Control of their Care

I really struggled with writing this. It all seems really easy, just tell someone that they should do something. “Hey woman, be empowered” but life rarely works that way. Years of paternalism (a system where the person who has the authority makes the decisions for another person because the authority figure knows what is best) has given women the false idea that the provider (doctor or midwife) knows entirely what is best for her body. How is it that a woman’s body knows exactly how to grow a whole person, but all the details and the birth should be given to the provider to “handle”? Now, I am not saying that providers are not needed. Certainly nature has flaws and providers can guide the woman and help prevent complications, but the key here is guide.

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3 Ways to Be a Successful Work at Home Mom

Recently I wrote an article while my toddler was not exactly in the best of moods. He was fussy, not due to sadness, but due to (fairly successfully) fighting nap time. Which brings me to the title of this article, three ways to be a successful wahm (work at home mom). If you are reading this and wonder if it will apply to you, please know that this article is applicable whether you work for a company outside of your home, whether you work for yourself, or whether you spend all of your time taking care of home. Taking care of home and family is something that is definitely a 24 hour job that doesn’t typically pay as much as it should—though each night we see our children safely tucked in at bedtime makes it all worth it!

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