Essential Oils for Congestion Relief

Getting congested during the winter season is inevitable for most people. The next time you get the sniffles turn to these essential oils for relief!  


Mentha piperita

cooling | invigorating | refreshing

Peppermint essential oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils, and for good reason; It has dozens of potential uses.

Anyone who has smelled a peppermint leaf before knows how pleasing and invigorating the aroma is. It takes about 3 lbs of plant material from peppermint plants to make 15 ml of pure peppermint essential oil, so you can imagine the essential oil is extremely concentrated.

When you are faced with a congestion issue, peppermint can soothe inflamed respiratory passages and help return a lost sense of smell.

Congestion responds well to moist, warm applications, so try placing a drop of peppermint essential oil in a mug of near-boiling water for steam inhalation. Waft the steam toward you and breathe carefully. Adding a drop of lemon or orange essential oil can take the edge off of the peppermint smell if it is too strong.

In a small study at a university, 12 student-athletes were given mineral water with peppermint essential oil for 10 days. The athletes’ performance was measured both before and after the 10 day period. After 10 days of using peppermint essential oil, the athletes’ performance increased in many measurable ways.

Other ways use Peppermint essential oil:

  • Improve alertness and energy by inhaling peppermint essential oil from the bottle. Alternate one breath with the essential oil, and one breath without it, for 5-10 breaths.

  • Soothe head tension by applying peppermint essential oil to the temples (dilute by mixing 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil in 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil and avoid the area close to the eyes!)

  • Soothe digestive discomfort by rubbing a drop of peppermint essential oil on the abdomen (dilute by mixing 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil in 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil)

Cautions: Peppermint reduces milk supply in some breastfeeding women when applied topically or used internally. It does not affect all women this way but proceed with caution. Using Peppermint aromatically is less likely to affect milk supply.


Gaultheria fragrantissima

warming | soothing | repairing

You may be familiar with wintergreen essential oil as a common ingredient in toothpaste. Wintergreen oil may whiten teeth, but it can also be used to soothe congested airways. Like most essential oils, wintergreen has many health benefits. In fact, aspirin and wintergreen essential oil can both be derived from the same origin, and they both share pain relief and blood-thinning properties.

It takes about 5 lbs. of wintergreen leaves to make 15ml of wintergreen essential oil, so again we will use just 1-3 drops at a time because of the high concentration.

For congestion relief, wintergreen essential oil can be added to a mug of steaming hot water as described above for the peppermint oil. A little wintergreen essential oil can also be dropped onto a pillowcase or blanket to keep the aroma close to a person who needs congestion relief at night.

Other ways to use wintergreen essential oil:

  • Warm cold fingers and toes by applying wintergreen essential oil to the affected area (dilute by mixing 2-3 drops of wintergreen essential oil in 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil)

  • Ease arthritis or bone pain by applying wintergreen essential to affected areas (dilute by mixing 2-3 drops of wintergreen essential oil in 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil)

  • Mix a few drops of wintergreen essential oil with shampoo and apply it to the scalp to minimize dandruff.

Cautions: Wintergreen may thin the blood for some--aspirin is derived from the wintergreen plant. If a person takes blood thinners, digestive or asthma medications, pain medication, or anti-coagulants, they should speak to a doctor before using wintergreen essential oil.

Do not expose skin to the sun for 12-24 hours following the application of wintergreen essential oil to the skin.

DIY Decongestant Chest Rub


  • ¼ oz. beeswax

  • 2 oz. olive oil or coconut oil

  • 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil

  • 10 drops wintergreen essential oil


  • Melt beeswax and coconut oil together in a double boiler.

  • Remove from heat and gently stir in essential oils.

  • Store in a glass jar.