Posts in General Health
How to Empower Mothers to Take Control of their Care

I really struggled with writing this. It all seems really easy, just tell someone that they should do something. “Hey woman, be empowered” but life rarely works that way. Years of paternalism (a system where the person who has the authority makes the decisions for another person because the authority figure knows what is best) has given women the false idea that the provider (doctor or midwife) knows entirely what is best for her body. How is it that a woman’s body knows exactly how to grow a whole person, but all the details and the birth should be given to the provider to “handle”? Now, I am not saying that providers are not needed. Certainly nature has flaws and providers can guide the woman and help prevent complications, but the key here is guide.

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Breathe Easy This Spring

Spring is just around the corner! As the trees and flowers begin to emerge, we can’t get over how beautiful and alive everything looks. While our eyes light up at the sight, we also know how frustrating this time can be as plants start to release pollen and dust into the air. Luckily, there are many natural ways we can use to support our respiratory system and breathe deeply!

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3 Ways to Be a Successful Work at Home Mom

Recently I wrote an article while my toddler was not exactly in the best of moods. He was fussy, not due to sadness, but due to (fairly successfully) fighting nap time. Which brings me to the title of this article, three ways to be a successful wahm (work at home mom). If you are reading this and wonder if it will apply to you, please know that this article is applicable whether you work for a company outside of your home, whether you work for yourself, or whether you spend all of your time taking care of home. Taking care of home and family is something that is definitely a 24 hour job that doesn’t typically pay as much as it should—though each night we see our children safely tucked in at bedtime makes it all worth it!

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Support Your Immune System Naturally With A Cleanse

Naturopaths, herbalists, and other holistic healers have always understood the importance of cleansing and nourishing the body – especially the colon. However, in the last ten to fifteen years, science has been coming to appreciate and understand how important this is. We now understand that 90% of the serotonin made in the body is made in the gut. The gut supports seventy percent of the immune system. Fifty percent of dopamine is made in the gut. This is where the nutrients from the food we eat are sifted out and taken into the body.

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How to Break Old Habits and Create New Ones

We're all adapting to a new normal right now, and for many of us, this means we're creating a brand-new routine. Not just for our families, but for ourselves. Our daily habits play a big role in that. ⁠

It's essential we take the time we need to be kind to ourselves, as we navigate the uncertainty around us. But what we can also start doing is making sure we prioritize healthy habits in our day-to-day - ones that ensure we feel better in the long-run. ⁠

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A Natural Skin Care Regime to Clear Your Skin

Your skin is one of your body’s most important zones of elimination. The natural cleansing properties of the skin are constantly flushing bodily wastes, but when your skin is working overtime, you are more likely to experience blemishes, blackheads, and non-cystic acne. The 3 main herbs in Facial Clear Capsules, Dong Quai Root, Burdock Root, and Yellow Dock Root, all help with the removal of waste from the blood before it comes out on the skin.*

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Five Toxins To Avoid In Skincare & Hair Products

Our skin is the largest organ and absorbs what we put on it. We can have the cleanest diet in the world, but still be affected internally by the harsh chemicals in our beauty products. There are numerous studies that show the link between certain chemicals and cancers. If you have the option to avoid that risk, why wouldn’t you make the switch? You don’t have to transition every single product at once, but start with one and go from there. Maybe it’s switching to an aluminum free deodorant or shampoo without parabens; everything counts! The first thing to do is familiarize yourself with some of the chemicals you should be avoiding.

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The Hidden Dangers of Fluoride

This is an extremely contentious topic when brought up in the general public. Dentists push parents to use fluoridated toothpaste with their children to help prevent tooth decay. Cities fluoridate their water supplies telling everyone it is for their best good to help promote strong teeth. However, when you begin researching where and how fluoride originated and what the studies have shown about its effectiveness in preventing tooth decay – the picture looks quite different than the story we have been told.

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Healthy Teeth and Happy Smiles with Dental Health

Your family’s dental health has lifelong impacts. Bad teeth and dental habits can lead to costly dentist visits and poor health overall. However, brushing and flossing isn’t enough; you should be supplementing your teeth and gums with nutrients that help keep them mineralized and healthy. Dental Health supports teeth and gums for the entire family. The herbal micronutrients in this formula support a healthy smile and strong teeth, naturally helping with organic remineralization. Dental Health is safe to use for the whole family because it is free from fluoride and other harmful chemicals. This herbal blend is unique in using one of nature’s most useful herbs, Black Walnut.

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Why are Respiratory Infections More Common in the Winter?

Some suggest that respiratory infections are associated with exposure to low environmental temperatures. They believe that viruses tend to survive better in drier, colder climates. Other theories are:

  1. Lack of sunlight. Shorter days during the winter can lead to a lack of sunlight, thus causing lower levels of vitamin D and melatonin. Both vitamin D and melatonin require a fair amount for their generation. Lack of these can compromise our immune systems which causes a decrease in our ability to be able to fight off viruses.

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How to Avoid Diet Fads and Get Real Results

It’s that time of year again. Without fail, you will have friends that have jumped on to the newest diet fad tell you to join along with them. Most of us want to lose a few pounds and you might be considering it too. Before you do, I want to share some very important pointers on how to know whether or not a diet will be effective before you even start. I’m not going to focus on if it will help you lose weight right away, but what the long term effects will be. If you have dieted before and lost a lot of weight only to regain it, you know how frustrating that can be. Even worse than frustrating, losing and regaining is very bad for your health because it causes a build-up of fat internally around your organs that can cause severe health problems. This is why it’s extremely important to make your diet and lifestyle decisions carefully and consider the long term effects rather than simply focusing on the short term.

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How to Easily Make Super Tonic Formula at Home

Many of you use and love our Super Tonic formula, but do you know the story behind it? In this blog, we will dive into what makes this product so special, where it came from, and how you can start making it for your family at home! Super Tonic did not originate with us and we want to acknowledge the incredible formulator and honor him by passing this formula along to you.

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