Support Your Immune System Naturally With A Cleanse

Naturopaths, herbalists, and other holistic healers have always understood the importance of cleansing and nourishing the body – especially the colon. However, in the last ten to fifteen years, science has been coming to appreciate and understand how important this is. We now understand that 90% of the serotonin made in the body is made in the gut. The gut supports seventy percent of the immune system. Fifty percent of dopamine is made in the gut. This is where the nutrients from the food we eat are sifted out and taken into the body.

There are approximately 20 feet of small intestines and 5 feet of large intestines (colon). In the colon, there are about 100 trillion organisms which are helping to keep your body in balance and healthy. This microbiome is also the backbone of the immune system. It is constantly mounting an inflammatory response to fend off invaders – viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, environmental pollutants, chemicals, etc. 

Unfortunately, a processed diet, stress, antibiotics, infections, food sensitivities can all alter the microbiome. When the microbiome is not balanced, chronic inflammation can set in. This has been linked to a host of diseases such as auto-immune diseases, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, arterial dysfunction, arthritis, and many others. 

We need to learn how to cleanse the colon to keep it functioning on a regular basis. Any time our bowels are not moving on a daily basis, we have toxic garbage building up on the inside. We should make it a goal to cleanse our colon every day through the foods that we eat. Fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts help to cleanse your colon by providing the enzymes, fiber, and nutrition that helps your body move out waste. A more plant-based diet will help keep you regular.

Using herbs can also be a great way to cleanse the colon. One of our products, Reset & Go, is a great way to support your body’s natural elimination if you do not have a strict diet specifically for cleansing; plus, doing a colon cleanse with Reset & Go is very easy! All you have to do is take 2 capsules, 3 times a day and you will be very satisfied with the results. This dosage can be increased or lowered, 1 capsule at a time, until you feel comfortable with your elimination schedule.


Our gut health is so important for keeping our immune system strong! Eating a healthy, clean diet, exercising, and learning how to reduce our stress levels is a great place to start. Cleansing the colon on a regular basis is a necessary component for helping to keep the body clean on the inside.