Kickstarting Your Immunity

Our immune system is in need of strengthening to protect ourselves from harmful viruses and bacteria. This can all be accomplished by looking at your current state of health, adding immune-building foods or herbs, or increasing our intake of dietary supplements.

Let’s look at your health first! Are you the individual that is always sick? Is your diet in need of improvement? Is your digestion in working order? Are you depleted in any nutrients? Are you on any pharmaceutical medication that suppresses your immune system? These are just some of the areas that you want to improve on.

If you are prone to getting sick, you should first look for the reason. Without the obvious genetic, developmental defects, or infections take a look at your environment and possible environmental pollutants/chemicals that could suppress your immunity.

  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep and drinking plenty of water.

  • Protect yourself with correct hygiene and be on the lookout for other sick people in your vicinity until you can build your immune system. 

  • Make sure your diet is plentiful with whole foods that provide you with the correct nutrients. Refined sugar, refined food, and processed food should be avoided and replaced with real food! 

  • Make sure your digestion is in top working order to help provide immunity through the gut. Some symptoms of poor digestion include indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, poor nutrient absorption, and excess intestinal inflammation.

  • Nutrient depletion is another cause of low immune response. Being deficient in vitamins A, B, C, D, and E can affect the immunity; as well as, zinc, iron, and selenium. Be sure to eat correctly, work on your digestive health, and get enough sun exposure (or vitamin D3 supplementation) if your levels are low.

  • If you are on medication, talk to your doctor about other alternative choices that do not suppress your immune system. You can also work with your doctor with these other suggestions to help build your immune system while on medication.

There are plenty of food choices that can be added to your diet to strengthen the immune system.

  • Bone broth is a popular choice to include in your diet which is full of nutrients and collagen.

  • Fermented food can help to boost your immunity through adding beneficial bacteria in the gut.

  • Berries are another beneficial food because of their high antioxidants and polyphenols which can help boost the immune system and shorten the duration of a virus.

  • I can’t mention immune-boosting food without mentioning mushrooms! Mushrooms contain beta-glucans which are known for their immune balancing abilities.

Herbs are another source for immunity strengthening. Always include herbs along with healthy food, plenty of water, exercise, and plenty of sleep. Which area can you improve on and strengthen your own immune system?