Posts in Pregnancy Care
Natural Family Planning: How To Chart Your Cycle 

Charting Your Cycle can be helpful in both preventing pregnancy and getting pregnant. There are many different types of birth control and multiple herbs, oils and substances which have been used to help prevent unwanted pregnancies all throughout time. However, if you want to postpone getting pregnant naturally, the best way to accomplish this is to understand how your body works and learn to recognize the signs, so that at any given time, you will know where you are in your cycle and what your body is doing. With this knowledge, you can either avoid your fertile time or you can use it to become pregnant when you are ready to have another child.

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The Miracle of Mother’s Milk

There is no more perfect food for a human infant than its mother’s milk. A cow makes the perfect food for a growing calf. A goat makes the perfect food for a growing kid and a horse makes the perfect food for a growing colt. Each baby has different needs and growth expectancies – each mother makes the perfect formula to help meet those needs. So, how does human milk differ from other animals?

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Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

When you become pregnant, your body goes through a lot of amazing changes. Every system in your body is affected – respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, urinary, gastrointestinal – orchestrated by the release of hormones, your entire body adapts and changes to support and care for your baby. In order for your body to proceed forward through a healthy pregnancy – it needs proper nutrition. This will include carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc.

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How to Empower Mothers to Take Control of their Care

I really struggled with writing this. It all seems really easy, just tell someone that they should do something. “Hey woman, be empowered” but life rarely works that way. Years of paternalism (a system where the person who has the authority makes the decisions for another person because the authority figure knows what is best) has given women the false idea that the provider (doctor or midwife) knows entirely what is best for her body. How is it that a woman’s body knows exactly how to grow a whole person, but all the details and the birth should be given to the provider to “handle”? Now, I am not saying that providers are not needed. Certainly nature has flaws and providers can guide the woman and help prevent complications, but the key here is guide.

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Why I Chose To Have A Homebirth

Almost six years ago when I was pregnant with Annabelle, the possibility of a home birth did not hit my radar. Although I wish it would have!

Choosing to have a home birth can be a touchy subject for many mamas-to-be. I am not here to try to convince anyone that home births are the only way. I do however believe that having a baby is a natural process that doesn’t need all the medications hospitals give a mother in labor. Other than home births there are birthing centers and midwives in hospitals that are also great options. I am here to share why I chose to have a home birth.

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Could Your Prenatal be Causing Morning Sickness?

Taking a prenatal during pregnancy is essential. It’s something all mothers begin to research once they see the two lines on a pregnancy test. Of course, the best way to take in all the nutrients needed to grow a little one is to eat a well-balanced diet full of veggies, leafy greens, seeds, and so forth, but, prenatal vitamins are designed to fill in the gaps to ensure your baby has all they need to grow healthy and strong. Even if you’re eating a healthy diet, there are still certain nutrients you may be missing that are important for you and, of course, your baby’s development. We believe the Mama Bear Prenatal is for you. 

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Lower Your Chances of Induction and C-Section With These Tips

As you prepare to bring your child into the world, any class or book you can find on relaxation, breathing techniques, focal points, etc. can be helpful in preparing you for labor and birth. The reason labor is called labor is because it is hard work. However, it was never meant to be more difficult than we can handle and especially not impossible. Women have been giving birth on this planet for thousands of years and they have been successful doing it. We know this because all of us are here.

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