The Problem with Food Additives

Food additives can have bad effects on adults and children alike. Children are negatively impacted by ingredients such as sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and food coloring. Research has shown that the food additives used in hundreds of children's foods and drinks can cause temper tantrums and disruptive behavior. Colorings in products such as Smarties, Jelly Tots, and fizzy drinks could lead to behavior changes in toddlers. Foods that commonly trigger hyperactive behavior and allergic reactions include chocolate, cow's milk, eggs, oranges, sugar, and wheat.

Scientists in the United Kingdom found three-year-old children were “more likely to lack concentration, lose their temper, interrupt others, and struggle to get to sleep” when they drank juice containing food colorings and preservatives, according to the Daily Mail.

Which Additives Do We Need To Look Out For?

It’s legal in the US to add chemicals that may cause behavior problems for children, it’s up to parents to be on the lookout for risky food additives.

Five Additives to Avoid:

  1. Artificial Colors – anything that begins with FD&C (e.g. FD&C Blue #1)

  2. Chemical Preservatives – Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Benzoate

  3. Artificial Sweeteners – Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, Saccharin

  4. Added Sugar – High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), Corn Syrup, Dextrose, etc

  5. Added Salt – Look at the sodium content and choose foods with the lowest amounts.

Artificial Colors:

  • 102 tartrazine,

  • 104 quinoline yellow,

  • 107 yellow 2G,

  • 110 sunset yellow,

  • 122 azorubine,

  • 123 amaranth,

  • 124 ponceau red,

  • 127 erythrosine,

  • 128 red 2G,

  • 129 allura red,

  • 132 indigotine,

  • 133 brilliant blue,

  • 142 green S,

  • 151 brilliant black,

  • 155 chocolate brown Natural color,

  • 160b annatto (in yoghurts, ice creams, popcorn, etc.  160a is a safe alternative)


  • 200-203 sorbates (in margarine, dips, cakes, fruit products)

  • 210-213 benzoates (in juices, soft drinks, cordials, syrups, medications)

  • 220-228 sulphites (in dried fruit, fruit drinks, sausages, and many others)

  • 280-283 propionates (in bread, crumpets, bakery products)

  • 249-252 nitrates, nitrites (in processed meats like ham)

  • Synthetic antioxidants - (in margarines, vegetable oils, fried foods, snacks, biscuits, etc)

  • 310-312 Gallates

  • 319-320 TBHQ, BHA, BHT (306-309 are safe alternatives)

  • Flavor enhancers (in flavored crackers, snacks, takeaways, instant noodles, soups)

  • 621 MSG

  • 627, 631, 635 disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, ribonucleotides

What are the side effects of additives in foods and drinks?

Additives are in foods such as bread, butter, crackers, yogurt, juice and muesli bars as well as in junk food. Children can be consuming 20 additives or more per day from what is typically considered ‘heathy food’.

Irritability, temper outbursts, oppositional defiance, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep are the main behavioral effects of additives. Rashes, headaches, bed wetting, stomach aches, sneaky poos, constipation or asthma can also be a problem. But parents rarely realize that food chemicals can be associated with many other effects including arguing with siblings, making silly noises, speech delay, anxiety, depression or difficulty concentrating. Additive-free children are generally calmer, happier and more cooperative.

What should children’s diets include?

The balanced diet includes small frequent healthy meals, lots of water, fresh fruits, vegetables, and a high intake of essential fatty acids.

Encourage your child to eat whole foods. Eating a balanced diet of fresh organic produce and whole grains will help keep additives and preservatives out of your child’s system. Whole foods are much healthier than processed foods. But, if you do buy processed foods, look for the organic options which have little or no added synthetic colors or preservatives.

In conclusion, many of the foods that parents rely on to feed their children quickly ie. canned foods, sugary cereal, sweet snacks, and candy can have harmful effects besides cavities and fatigue. They can lead to mood swings among many other things mentioned in the above article.