Nutrition for Healing

Thomas Edison said, “Until man can duplicate a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge”.  This is never more true than when talking about nutrition.  We build LIFE with life! To know optimal health, we must eat what the Creator designed for us to eat. When we eat fresh, live fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, we are not only taking in the nutritional value of these foods in the form of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, but we are taking in the life frequency of these specially designed foods. Fruits and vegetables are designed with all of the nutrients orchestrated in such a way that we are getting exactly what we need in the exact right proportions for the human body. It takes the guess work out of trying to figure out whether we are taking the right calcium with the right amount of vitamin D. We don’t have to worry about whether the body will be able to assimilate the nutrients because we are taking them in the exact ratio and exact form which was created for human consumption.

Kirlian photography is a type of photography which catches the energy field around living things. Instead of taking a normal picture of the object we are looking at, it captures the energy which is emanating from the life-force. All living things run on energy (a type of electricity, if you will). We often refer to this energy field in humans as an aura. If you go to the county fair and see a booth where you can get a picture of your ‘aura’, they are using Kirlian photography. The following picture is a Kirlian photograph of a slice of watermelon.


You can see the light and energy emanating from it in every direction. This is one of the simplest foods known to man and yet with this type of photography we can actually see all of the light and energy emanating from this ‘simple’ fruit. When we take live food into our body, we are not only taking in the cellular matter, we are also taking in all of this light and energy. The following photograph is one of my favorites! It is a picture of one drop of cold-pressed virgin olive oil.


You can actually see the energy – the lightning bolts which are coming off of this one drop of oil. We build LIFE with LIFE! 

Albert Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”. So, if we are constantly ingesting dead, inorganic, processed materials, what type of frequency are we creating in our body?

What are the majority of Americans consuming on a daily basis?


As you can see, 44% of the typical American diet is made up of animal products. One of the most frightening aspects of this type of food is that most Americans buy these products at a grocery store. The majority of animals who are slaughtered and placed on grocery store shelves have been pumped full of immunizations, antibiotics, pesticides, steroids and hormones. These types of chemicals are used to get them to grow fast and live long enough to make it to the slaughter house. This also includes all of the by-products which come from these animals, such as eggs, butter, cheese, milk, yogurt, sour cream, etc.

These animal products are acidic and are not alive. When we consume these products, we are also taking in all of the chemicals which were put into the animals. These chemicals wreak havoc with our chemistry. When our chemistry is altered, it affects our ability to think, our energy levels, how well our immune system functions, our hormone levels, and many other processes in the body. This is one of many reasons for the rising rate of infertility. Imbalanced hormones can cause problems such as infertility, depression, learning disabilities, weight gain, lack of motivation – this list could go on and on.

According to Howard F. Lyman in Mad Cowboy:

Nearly all meat in America is contaminated with such man-made carcinogens as dioxins, a family of chemicals related to Agent Orange, and DDT, the notorious chemical that was banned domestically over twenty-five years ago, but that remains in the ground  (and will remain there, unfortunately, for thousands of years to come) and therefore in the crops fed to animals. Crops grown for cattle feed are permitted to, and almost always do, contain far higher levels of pesticides than crops grown for human consumption. About 80 percent of pesticides used in America are targeted on four specific crops – corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat – that are the major constituents of livestock feed . . . we in turn, get even more concentrated doses of carcinogens when we eat them. According to a 1975 study by the Council on Environmental Quality, 95 percent of the human intake of DDT came from dairy and meat products.

So, what about milk? Most of us have grown up being told that we needed to drink milk to get the calcium we need for strong bones and teeth. But, if we look to nature, how many other mammals drink milk after they are weaned? The answer is: NONE! No other mammal drinks milk after they are weaned, with the possible exception of a domesticated animal we have corrupted. And no other mammal would think of drinking milk from another mammal. You don’t see colts nursing on cows, or goats nursing on horses. They know better!

The truth is that milk varies a lot between species in its nutritional content. It is designed specifically for the infant it is made for - cow's milk is made for calves; horse milk is made for colts; camel milk is made for camels; human milk is made for human babies. Each one is unique and specifically designed for a certain type of mammal. The molecular structure of cow’s milk is designed to take a calf from 60 lbs. to over 600 lbs. in one year – we were never designed to grow like that.

As we continue up the pyramid, we can see that 39% of the average American diet is coming from processed sugars and flour. Dr Christopher, founder of the School of Natural Healing, would not allow his staff to refer to these items as food. He said the only thing they were good for was wallpaper paste. Unfortunately, this is how they tend to turn out in our intestines. They can help build layer upon layer of fecal matter which gets stuck in the intestinal tract making it extremely difficult for the body to retrieve any nutrients from the food we eat. Nothing in these foods is alive and science is just now beginning to fully understand the damage which can be done to the body by processed sugars.

Ten percent of the American diet is coming from processed oils and margarine. Processed oils have been shown to be carcinogenic. Margarine is one step up from plastic and, in my opinion, should not even be made available for human consumption.

At the top of the pyramid, we discover that 7% of the average American diet is coming from fruits and vegetables, but if you look at the foot notes, you can see most Americans are eating these canned and frozen. Even our produce is not being eaten in its fresh, live, whole state – it is being eaten after it is embalmed. There is nothing on this pyramid which is alive. We build LIFE with LIFE! If we want to have a healthy body, we must put fresh, live food into it.

Paul A. Stitt, a biochemist tells us,

“Millions of Americans are hopelessly hooked on potato chips, hamburgers, candy and cola. Their lives are spent in a miserable limbo between sickness and health. They’re slowly killing themselves, gorging their way into obesity, hypoglycemia, diabetes and heart disease”.

This statement reiterates the fact that we are not victims. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are creating our own circumstances by our own choices. Every one of us is born with certain genetic weaknesses. For instance, some might be born with a weak pancreas. Others might have a weak heart. When we abuse our body and constantly put the wrong type of fuel into it, the results will manifest themselves, depending on where our weaknesses are. So, if you are predisposed to a weak pancreas, then your toxicity might manifest itself as diabetes. If you are predisposed to a weak heart, then your toxicity might manifest as heart disease. Both diseases were caused by the same thing. Poor choices led to a poor diet and lifestyle which led to disease.

As Hippocrates, the father of medicine admonished us, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.  I realize that when you have grown up on and spent your life living on the standard American diet, it can seem overwhelming to try to figure out how to change your diet to one which is much healthier and contains all of the live foods, fresh water and healthy fats that you need.