7 Reasons Why Herbs Don't Work Sometimes

Have you ever had someone tell you herbs don’t work? Maybe they had a story about a friend who used herbs and ended up having to take pharmaceutical medicine anyway? Here are some reasons herbs may not have worked for them.

1. Improper Formulation. Formulas are made to work harmoniously. Certain herbs work together to enhance the action of the herb that is needed to treat a specific ailment. If herbs are not combined properly, they will not be as effective.

2. Poor Quality of The Herbs. Quality plays a vital role in plant material. Herbs should be properly harvested, dried, and be properly processed before using. Herbs won’t be as effective if they are prepared incorrectly. Knowing the source of the herbs you use can make the difference in healing.

3. Incorrect Preparation. For you desired results, it's important to know which part of the herb you should use. It is important to know that certain parts of an herb are used for specific ailments. For instance, in some herbs you may use the root; in others you may use the leaf or flowers. Look for remedies that specify which part of the herb to use, and always research any questions you may have.

4. Improper Dosage. Herbs don’t always come with set directions. Dosages vary depending on the herbs in the formula, the preparation, and the person’s ailment. When using herbal remedies, you can adjust the dosage to tailor to your specific need. In many formulas, you can safely increase your dosage to see better results.

5. Not Getting To The Cause. This refers to treating symptoms rather than treating the cause. In herbalism, the goal is to heal, nourish, and cleanse the body. This is what makes herbalism different from conventional medicine. For instance, rather than taking painkillers to numb pain, herbalism looks for why the pain is being caused and provides ways to heal to heal the body naturally. One of the best ways to treat your ailments, correctly would be to consult with an herbalist who can assist you, and your journey to healing.

6. Fast Response. Some herbal remedies work within minutes, while others are a journey of healing. Expecting herbs to work overnight is not 100% realistic. Many herbalists recommend taking a formula for three weeks or more before determining whether or not it’s working for you. While with most products you do see results sooner than 3 weeks, it is still helpful to keep this in mind). It is not common to experience a complete turnaround from a chronic disease after just starting an herbal plan.

7. Not changing your lifestyle. Herbs are most effective when used with a proper diet and exercise. Remember that herbalism is about cleansing and healing the body. Even though many times herbs work without changing your diet or lifestyle at all, for lasting and more effective results it is important to make adjustments in your day to day health decisions. One main function of herbs is to purify your body, if you're intaking junk it will make it harder for the herbs to cleanse and bring healing.

The Bottom Line

We believe that herbs do in fact work. When used properly and with the right knowledge, they are effective!

Today, more and more people are turning to herbal healing instead of pharmaceutical drugs. There is a growing disappointment with using pharmaceuticals to treat chronic illness. Prescription drugs have sometimes been reported as unhelpful. They see the growing evidence about the health risks associated with conventional medicine and not to mention the high cost!

There is an increasing interest in home remedies, which leads people to search the web or read books for alternatives. Occasionally, someone will use a home remedy and not experience the results they hoped for. Their immediate conclusion is that herbs do not work. The truth is herbalism is not 100% effective, 100% of the time. Nothing in life is.